Myisha Parsha, LPC, LIMHP, LADC - Owner
*Not Accepting New Clients*
I am the Owner of Omaha Trauma Therapy, an Independently Licensed Mental Health Therapist, Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor, a US Air Force Veteran, Wife of an Active Duty Chief Master Sergeant and proud mother of three children, all teenagers. I am familiar with juggling work and family responsibilities. I do it all to make sure my children have a well-rounded upbringing and successful life as adults. However, there are moments that I wonder if I am doing things right. I work with parents who experience feeling “spread too thin” with maintaining a balance between dealing with past issues, work, and life.
WE want our children to succeed, have a better childhood than we had, and make sure they understand the importance of working hard to have a good life just like our Nebraska motto. Well, at least the motto we are use to, but I will take, “Nebraska, It’s Not For Everyone” too. Ha! Speaking of, after a 9 year military career - for which I deployed having to leave my children for months - pursued 7 years of college education, and then career advancement - along the way I have experienced doors closing to dreams that I really desired to accomplish. Maybe you have experienced that too. I learned to balance those dreams and goals to a level that is more genuine to me. For example, owning my own practice was one of those dreams, even through all the adverse experiences I still maintained the dream. I am living proof that one CAN overcome anxiety, depression, and trauma. YOU can do it too!
Unfortunately, when human beings experience trauma or severe life stressors, it is not uncommon for our lives to unravel. My greatest passion is bringing healing to people who have been through a traumatic/stressful experience. I help my clients—who include adolescents, adults and families—to find healthy perceptions of themselves and strengthen their relationships so they know themselves as peaceful, complete, whole, and safe. Also, I carry a heart for military professionals as I am a veteran of 9 years on active duty service. While on active duty I felt the pull to be a therapist. So, I completed a Bachelors in Social Psychology and a Masters in Clinical Psychology. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner (LIMHP) and Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC) in the state of Nebraska. I am also the owner of Omaha Trauma Therapy.
I know that no single approach is the right one for every individual, so I have been trained in a range of modalities including Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Trauma Informed-Care, and Integrated Care. Every therapeutic approach I utilize, you can rest knowing I have experienced them personally. Every training I pursue, I make sure to experience being the “client,” so that I understand how it feels to be in that position. These approaches are what has helped me to heal, and then help others heal too.